Monday, June 29, 2009

About me

My name is James Egan. I am the youngest of six children. I was born and raised at Spring Lake in Glendale, RI. If anyone knows where Spring Lake it, you would know it is rather rural. I spent more time swimming, skating, boating, bike riding and exploring the vast forest reserve all around my house. There was always something to discover under a rock, in the rivulets and streams or up in the trees.

I did not sit in front of the television unless the weather forced me to stay inside. We only received three television stations. However, if the weather were good we would get channel 2 or if the cloud ceiling were low, we would receive channel 11 out of Hartford. Cable didn't arrive at Spring Lake until after I moved to college. I personally did not own a television until after I graduated college in 1994. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I now own four televisions all connected to cable.

I would label myself a digital immigrant. I have the technological equipment I need to survive - a computer, a basic cell phone and a digital camera (I love photography). I do not consider surfing the web or talking endlessly on the phone entertainment. I much prefer visiting with friends in person, working in my gardens, renovating houses and going hiking with my camera. I know I need to learn more about computers and technology and I will.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jim - I know exactly where Spring Lake is and have spent time there. I love it and it is a beautiful place to discover wonderful things. I love learning about new things and it is so great to connect with people in the field too. Your lesson was great too. It was a pleasure to have met you.
