Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis

The brainwashing tactics that these corporations including Disney use on our children is dispicable. To use our young merely as profitable beings and thought of solely as easily manipulated consumer targets is unstainable. As the Roman Empire collapsed, so will the United States. During the fall of the Roman Empire their tactic of bread and circus (Keep the masses fed and entertained while the politicos rape and pillage their countries future) so too is our corporate society providing a false sense of want, need coupled with apathetic individual political involvement in our government policies.
The corporate lobbiest have a much larger stronghold on our politicians than We the People. Today we are working so much in order to afford all the stuff we "need" that we dont have the time to lobby or protest for our own self interests. Ronald Reagan used woman's rights to get them into the workforce and create a two-income household. Unions have been villionized and unfortunately brainwashed most of American workers to despise unions. The divide and conquor tactic has now become entrenched in our system. Today two incomes is not so much a luxury, but rather a necessity. Wall Street has our political system in a headlock while Madison Avenue is brainwashing our minds and baptizing our youngest citizens to worship material goods over any other ideology This tactic is all in the name of profit for the fat cats here and now with no concern for future generations. This is unsustainable.
We have gone from being a country of the People, by the People, For the People to Of the Corporation, By the Corporation, For the Corporation. We are at an economical time where we as The People could and should take a long hard look at the direction our country is moving and ask ourselves: is this the the value system we want? Is it more important to value material goods over social justices, freedoms and rights?

The Amish plant trees not for themselves, but for their grandchildren. They understand that they need to invest in their children. We need to stop feeding off our childrens' futures and start feeding them to insure our American society and the ideals under which it was created will be here for generations to come.

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